Thought(s) of the Day: Inspirational and/or amusing Nuggets of Wisdom

Advent, like its cousin Lent, is a season for prayer and reformation in our hearts. Take time to be aware that in the very midst of our busy preparations for the celebration of Christ's birth, Christ is reborn in our homes and daily lives. Take time, slow down, be still, be awake to the Divine Mystery that looks so common and so ordinary yet is wondrously present.
~Edward Hays

The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.
~John E. Southard

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Testing. One, this thing on?

I've enjoyed reading others' blogs for some time now, so I decided to test out the blogging waters myself. Hopefully I'll succeed in being as entertaining, creative, and humorous as so many of my favorite bloggers are.

A little about myself. Let's see...first and foremost I would say I am a Work in Progress! I recently joined the Single Moms Club and my life is full of firsts and new beginnings these days. After several years of being home with my two amazing sons, I've headed back to school in pursuit of a nursing degree. I'm taking life one day at a time and just focusing on being as patient and positive as I can.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Dear Martha,
    I am so happy I got an email from you and that you got a blog. Because, I have wanted to call you butmy phone crashed and lost all my numbers. Then a few weeks after that my computer crashed and lost all my email addresses! Ugh!
    So hooray for contact with you again! I also have a blog. We can be bloggy friends!! :) I will put yours on my blog roll and check often. I love blogging! reason I have been desiring to talk to you is because I have some exciting news...Brian and I are expecting! We are at 17 weeks right now.
    How s everything with you and the boys? I am so looking forward to catching up on your lives!
    Hope to hear from you soon.

  2. Hello!!! Yay for blogging!
