Thought(s) of the Day: Inspirational and/or amusing Nuggets of Wisdom

Advent, like its cousin Lent, is a season for prayer and reformation in our hearts. Take time to be aware that in the very midst of our busy preparations for the celebration of Christ's birth, Christ is reborn in our homes and daily lives. Take time, slow down, be still, be awake to the Divine Mystery that looks so common and so ordinary yet is wondrously present.
~Edward Hays

The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.
~John E. Southard

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

We were heading to my oldest son's open house the other night. He attends a local parochial school and they have just started taking the kindergartners to weekly mass. He was explaining how the priest performs magic at the alter. He very excitedly told my parents and me how the priest magically changes the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus and how cool he thought it was. He even went on to say that he might want to be a priest one day because he really likes magic. (Side note: Although he's only 6 years old, my son is always getting crushes on the little actresses he watches on television and in the movies.) I resisted laughing and said, "You know, if you become a priest you can't ever get married. Priests aren't allowed to be married." He let out a disgruntled sigh and snapped back, "What? Why not? Has that always been a rule or is this something Obama just made up?!"

As I watched the huge smile come across my mother's face, I couldn't help but wonder if maybe we needed a little less Fox News and a little more family game nights going on at home.